about us

Who we are

At STUDIOMINT, we don’t just focus on creating beautiful spaces, we craft environments that promote well-being and enrich lives. From luxurious home sanctuaries to innovative workplaces, from patient-centric healthcare facilities to enchanting hospitality spaces, our designs are meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs, values, and aspirations of our clients.

Our firm understands that good design practice extends far beyond mere aesthetics. A well-designed environment supports well-being, enriching every moment spent within it. A space that deeply resonates with its occupants will enhance productivity, ignite creativity, and foster genuine happiness. At our studio, we immerse ourselves in understanding what truly brings joy and fulfillment to individuals. We infuse these insights into each and every design we bring to life.

Whether it’s boosting employee morale within the workplace, instilling a sense of calm and comfort in healthcare facilities, or creating unforgettable experiences for hotel guests, we dedicate ourselves to realising the potential of each project. Our mission is always to inspire, motivate, and uplift those who inhabit our spaces, enriching their lives in ways they never thought possible.

Our Approach

At STUDIOMINT, our design ethos is characterised by a deep-seated commitment to enriching the lives of our clients through thoughtful and purposeful design. We approach each project with a keen understanding of the transformative power of well-designed spaces, recognising that our designs have the potential to shape experiences, foster connections, and inspire growth.

Our design process begins with a comprehensive exploration of our clients’ stories, aspirations, and values. We believe that truly exceptional design is rooted in a deep understanding of the individuals who will inhabit the space, which is why we invest time and effort in building meaningful relationships with our clients. By listening attentively and collaborating closely, we gain insights that inform every decision we make throughout the design journey.

At our firm, design is not just a profession; it’s a way of life. We approach each project with unwavering dedication, attention to detail, and a relentless pursuit of perfection, driven by our desire to create spaces that resonate deeply with our clients and enrich their lives in meaningful ways. Through a harmonious integration of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, we strive to create spaces that not only inspire admiration but also stand the test of time.

our team

Ilya Frolov, STUDIOMINT Managing Director

Ilya Frolov

Managing Director

Alla DeLion, STUDIOMINT Design Director

Alla DeLion

Design Director

Bido Betiri, STUDIOMINT Head of FF&E Design

Bido Betiri

Head of FF&E Design

Jason Zeng, STUDIOMINT Workplace & Healthcare Design Lead

Jason Zeng

Workplace & Healthcare Design Lead

Sarocha Dech, STUDIOMINT Technical Design Lead

Sarocha Dech

Technical Design Lead

Megan David, STUDIOMINT Health & Wellness Lead

Megan David

Health & Wellness Lead

Regina Zhang, STUDIOMINT Hotel & Hospitality Lead

Regina Zhang

Hotel & Hospitality Lead

Jake Ou, STUDIOMINT Contract Administration Lead

Jake Ou

Contract Administration Lead

Beau, STUDIOMINT Chief Happiness Officer


Chief Happiness Officer

Inspiring Possibilities, Defining Spaces.