Hotel Design Services

Namuka Bay Resort reception and lobby area

At Studiomint, we transcend mere aesthetics to craft immersive hospitality environments that promote well-being, celebrate cultural heritage, and curate unforgettable guest experiences. From luxurious resort villas to captivating dining destinations, our designs are meticulously tailored to capture the unique spirit, aspirations, and authentic story of each location and hospitality brand.

Our firm understands that exceptional hospitality design extends far beyond visual appeal. An expertly designed hotel or resort environment envelops guests in an all-encompassing narrative rooted in local traditions, enriching every moment of their stay. We believe every property should be a reflection of the rich cultural roots and heritage of its community.

Our process begins by deeply immersing ourselves in the unique narratives of each destination as well as the distinct persona and aspirations of the hospitality brand. Through in-depth exploration of local heritage, traditions, client visions, and target guest profiles, we ensure our designs authentically express a cohesive sense of place while resonating with the core identity of the brand. Through seamless integration of thoughtful spatial planning, inspired localized detailing, cutting-edge amenities and articulation of the brand's identity, our hotel and resort spaces leave an enduring emotional impact. 

"Great hotels transcend their physical environments to become living reflections of their locations." - Isadore Sharpe, founder of Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts


Initial Consultation:

Our journey begins with a personalised consultation where we have a discussion to understand your vision, preferences, and requirements. We delve into your brand guidelines, aesthetic preferences, and functional needs to ensure that our design aligns perfectly with your unique vision for your hotel or resort.


Concept Phase:

Building upon the insights gathered during the initial consultation, we delve deeper to refine our understanding of your requirements. Through a series of collaborative design workshops, we establish a common design language which we apply to creating spaces unique to your brand & location and manifest your vision.


Design Development:

With an established design language at hand, we transition into the exciting phase of crafting your hotel, refining the chosen concept into a detailed design scheme. This involves exploring materials, finishes, and furnishings, as well as developing spatial layouts and bespoke elements. We will provide material boards and realistic computer-generated renders to illustrate the envisioned design. Throughout this process, we collaborate closely with you to ensure that every aspect of the design reflects your taste and exceeds your expectations. Ultimately, this phase culminates in presenting you with the final design for your hotel.


Construction Documentation:

Once the design is finalized, we meticulously document every detail to facilitate the construction process. This phase involves the preparation of comprehensive drawings, specifications, and schedules to guide contractors and tradespeople in executing the design with precision and efficiency.


Construction Services:

Our involvement extends beyond the design phase, as we provide comprehensive construction services to ensure the seamless realisation of your vision. From attending site visits to responding to Requests for Information from builders, we offer hands-on support throughout the construction process. We assist in the procurement of materials, oversee the quality of materials received by the builder, and collaborate with contractors to address buildability issues and implement value management strategies. Finally, we conduct thorough quality control checks to identify and rectify any defects, ensuring that the finished project meets our standards of excellence.

Inspiring Possibilities, Defining Spaces.