Paw & Coat

Veterinary Clinic
Paw & Coat veterinary clinic reception hero image
Paw & Coat veterinary clinic reception hero image

Paw & Coat

Step into a world where our furry friends reign supreme at Paw and Coat Veterinary Clinic, where tradition meets innovation in a delightful blend of warmth and whimsy. Nestled within its inviting retail shopfront, pet playroom, and consult rooms lies a sanctuary designed to challenge the conventional notion of a veterinary clinic. This is a space that not only caters to the healthcare needs of beloved pets but also fosters a fun and dynamic atmosphere for their human companions.






Veterinary Clinic

The Approach

To achieve this, our approach focused on infusing the space with elements of fun and dynamism, while still maintaining a sense of professionalism and functionality. With a retail shopfront, pet playroom, and consult rooms as our canvas, we set out to design a space that not only meets the healthcare needs of pets but also provides a memorable and enjoyable experience for their human companions.

The Outcome

Light timber, light blue accents, and ample natural light formed the backdrop for our design, creating a calming and inviting atmosphere for both pets and their owners. Incorporating elements of biophilic design, we introduced plants throughout the space, including in ceiling planters, to bring the outdoors in and create a sense of connection with nature. Soft furnishings added a touch of comfort and cosiness, while playful touches like whimsical artwork infused the space with joy and laughter.